Configuring Docker Container by Ansible

Shubham Soni
2 min readJun 9, 2023


In this article we will see how to enable ssh in the container so that we can configure the container by the help of ansible.


  • Docker
  • Docker SDK
  • Python3

Follow the belows steps to make a customized image

  1. Pull Centos image using command
$docker pull centos:latest

2. Launch a container using this image

$docker run -dit --name os1 centos:latest

3. Login to the container os1

$docker attach os1

4. Install sshd in this container

$yum install openssh-server -y

5. Install passwd command

$yum install passwd -y

5. Set the root passwd

$passwd root

6. Make ssh service enable permanent, add the path /usr/sbin/sshd to /root/.bashrc

7. Exit from the container and commit this image with a different name and tag

$docker commit os1 centos_ssh:v1

Lets create a ansible playbook which launch the container and add thier ip in the inventory for further configuration.

- name: start a docker container
name: “os1”
image: centos_ssh:v1
state: started
— “81:22”
— “8080:80”
interactive: yes
tty: yes
restart: yes
register: x
- debug:
msg: this is the IP of docker {{ x.ansible_facts.docker_container.NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}- blockinfile:
path: /etc/ansible/myhosts.txt
block: |
{{ x.ansible_facts.docker_container.NetworkSettings.IPAddress }} ansible_ssh_user=root ansible_ssh_pass=redhat

Now a container has been lauched with port 22 and 80 exposed, Lets check does this container is able to do ssh or or not for this i’m creating a playbook which will install and enable httpd service in the contianer.

- hosts: docker       #here docker contains the ip of contianer
— name: install httpd
name: httpd
state: present
— copy:
src: /root/index.html
dest: /var/www/html/index.html
— command: /usr/sbin/httpd #to start service

Playbook runs successfully, now we can use this inventory for further configuration.

If you have any suggestion and query commen below

Thanku You!!!!



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